The late Arthur Bohse Sr. & Rocky
Aging Services
It’s no secret that America is graying—one in eight Americans is an older American. 10,000 people turn 65 every single day. Baby Boomers number nearly 77 million, and it is projected that by 2030 the number of people over 65 will soar to more than 71.5 million.
Services for this growing demographic must also increase, and the meals and shuffleboard approach still used by many service organizations is outdated and does not address the needs of many aging Americans who still consider themselves vital and active.
Bohse & Associates has four decades of experience and a special expertise in the area of aging services, and can provide you with all the missing pieces to serve your constituencies with the most current programs and services.
Bohse can serve as your liaison to aging networks, professional organizations, and federal and state agencies, as well as provide guidance on senior centers, education and case management, and health and wellness programs.
Bohse can help you develop creative and non-traditional senior services and update your senior services and your senior centers. Bohse can also provide you with tools to do your own programming and evaluations.
The late Arthur Bohse Sr. & Rocky
"I have enjoyed a more than 20 year professional and friendship with Pat Bohse. The main focus of our relationship has been her time over 16 years as a valued member of the Board of Directors of NANASP. She has contributed to the growth of NANASP in that time in one of the most important areas--cultivating and training new directors in nutrition. Pat developed a program which is held as a pre-conference to our national conference which enjoys good attendance and even greater evaluations from attendees. It has enhanced NANASP’s reputation immensely. Pat has served on all major committees of NANASP and Chaired our Membership Committee.
Pat is an accomplished speaker, communicator, facilitator, and writer. She is an expert collaborator. She has strong managerial skills displayed in her own business and in the years that she represented the New Jersey Association of Area Agencies on Aging. I have nothing but the highest regard and respect for Pat."
Robert Blancato
Matz, Blanato and Associates
Executive Director
National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP)