award for being a leader of distinction in the field of aging

Aging Services Consulting & Training

Because of our extensive, diverse background in aging, we can develop training to meet any organization's training needs.  All workshops include pre-workshop consultation to customize the materials for the geographic location, and a post-workshop summary of workshop evaluations.  Workshops are available in half-day or full day-format.


Some of our most requested training and workshop topics include:


Reimagining Your Senior Center

This workshop will give participants the opportunity to reimagine what their senior centers could be. We will discuss the importance of leadership and the role in advocating for services and funding the Older Americans Act, working from a strategic plan, how to best value and grow your agency’s staff and volunteers, the importance of great customer service and maintaining customer data, and the importance of building collaborations to maximize service delivery.


We will also discuss the creation of the Seasoned Internship program. This program was inspired by the recent movie, The Intern. Your center too can capitalize on the skills and experience of the senior population in your community.


Pop-up Senior Centers: Successful Aging and Technology Project (SAT)

We will present an innovative new program idea: the Pop-up center to stabilize and leverage present senior centers. The Pop-up concept has been successfully developed to re-package services that are currently done within a facility and to take it into underserved communities. An example of our success is our SAT program, a ten-week curriculum that incorporates health, wellness and technology. With creative funding ideas we have been able to purchase tablets for low-income seniors.


New Directors Training

This training will show the flexibility, the different variations and the diversity of the Older Americans Act (OAA). We will discuss the history of the OAA and its practical applications and review the Aging Network structure. We will discuss strategies on how to: work creatively with staff, volunteers and collocating partners; develop outstanding nutrition and educational programs; market your program; and find new funding opportunities to position your program for growth and prosperity.


Advisory Councils

Advisory Councils provide an important voice for your customers. This workshop will cover the following:

  • The roles, responsibilities and limitations of Advisory Councils
  • Building an Advisory Council:
    • Creating effective by-laws
    • Defining the role and functions of committees, including Advocacy
    • Reviewing  job descriptions for Advisory Council officers and members
    • Electing members to the Advisory Council
    • Exploring why Advisory Councils do not always work


Serving Different Generations of Older Adults

Participants will learn the differences between the GI, Silent and Baby Boomer generations and the demographic trends they need to plan for. Learn the six strategies of marketing and how to attract the different age groups and ethnic communities. Each group responds to specific activities that accommodates their needs. 

award for being a leader of distinction in the field of aging

“I first became familiar with Pat Bohse on a Meals on Wheels America webinar.  I immediately recognized her expertise, knowledge, experience, creativity, and passion for seniors.


Her workshop presentations at our statewide Hunger Summits still generates discussion and excitement about re-inventing senior centers and now re-imagining senior centers post COVID.


We’re not finished with Pat and her wealth of information and never-ending arsenal of practical ideas!  Next up, our Meals on Wheels program will be partnering with our local Area Agency on Aging to offer a webinar series for senior centers across Idaho.


If you want to be challenged, enthused, and re-invigorated, I highly recommend Pat.  You won’t be disappointed – and I guarantee that you will want to hear more from her.”


Grant Jones, CEO

Metro Meals on Wheel, Boise Idaho